Meet, Lauren

In 2013, Lauren left her successful job managing a local floral shop and all of their events—and jumped headfirst (as she does with most things) into bringing LMA Designs to life. Her fearlessness, passion for her craft and drive to deliver high-quality results for her clients has allowed the company to become one of the premier floral design companies in Nashville.

The L, the M and the A of LMA Designs, Lauren is the heart and soul of the team—she is one of those rare breeds that is not only a logistical expert but also a creative type. Chalk it up to growing up on her family’s flower farm and a lifetime of designing florals, but Lauren has an unmatched eye for design and a knack for reflecting each clients’ individual style. 

She brings a deep passion to everything she does, whether it’s cooking new Tiktok recipes with her kids, Crossfit, or working with the local Down Syndrome achievement center, Gigi’s Playhouse—as a recipient of the Gloria and Cindy Koch Volunteer Spirit of the Year Award—you’ll find Lauren taking a hands on approach to every aspect of her life, and succeeding with flying colors.